Current news
Find out the latest news and important information about Jucho Management Consulting AG, our services and current trends in medicine and pharmacy.
You will also find current press releases here for use in the media. We would also be glad to update journalists in a personal interview.

26. Jun. 2024
Strategic planning workshop – Qanatpharma AG
#FeatureFriday Members of Qanatpharma AG's Swiss, German and Canadian team had a great strategic planning workshop this week in beautiful Lucerne to discuss our forthcoming…
16. Apr. 2024
Swiss Biotech Day
Der diesjährige Swiss Biotech Day wird mit einem Team der schweizerischen Qanatpharma AG besucht: Prof. Steffen Sebastian Bolz (Unternehmensgründer), Dr. Philipp Trepte (Director Qanatpharma Germany),…
11. Jul. 2023
FOCUS-Biotech firms target weight-loss drugs without Wegovy’s side-effects
LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) – Weight-loss drug Wegovy helped Rebecca Vogt achieve a major goal - shedding the weight she had not managed to drop…
23. Feb. 2021
Cystic fibrosis medication: hope for COVID-19 here?
Several symptoms of COVID-19 in the lungs, including severe mucus production, poor airway self-cleaning, and thickening of the bronchial wall, closely resemble those seen in…
01. Feb. 2021
Why does JMC AG hardly mention any references on the website?
Discretion and safeguarding corporate privacy are our most precious principles. Our clients will never see their name quoted through us. We will only give any…